At Blouvlei we endeavour to develop each learner's inherent potential to his or her maximum capability
Develop Blouvlei as a school of excellence with the foundation of a curriculum that meets the needs of the learners, parents and the community.
Access children with learning disabilities at an early age through the creation of a pre-school.
Enable learners to survive in mainstream society and find employment when they leave Blouvlei through school leavers' Orientation and Job Coaching Programme.
Encourage parental involvement so that special education is echoed in the home environment.
Develop learners, staff, parents and governing body members so that each can play their specific role at the school to the best of their ability.
Promote a culture of acceptance for all people in our community through increasing awareness of, and empathy for, people with intellectual impairment.
Achieve increased employment opportunities for our Graduates.
Reduce dependence on a single source of income and develop sustainability through the development of partnerships with donors and parental participation.
We want to develop our school into a resource centre so as to provide greater support to both learners and educators in main stream school.
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